People for Good

In today’s paper I noticed a full size bright orange ad with the caption YOU GOOD?  There is a movement out there called People for Good, which is a coalition formed with the purpose of getting Canadians to be nicer to each other.  I visited their web site and read their manifesto:

“We’re People for Good. And our goal is to make the world a better place, one good deed at a time. It may sound ambitious but it’s easier than you’d think. In fact, you could help make the world a better place right now. Just by doing something nice for someone. Rest assured, we’re not asking for money, we just want you to donate a little generosity.”

Making someone’s day

I went on to view some video blogs that had been posted by a half dozen young people sharing what they’ve done to make someone’s day. Most of the gestures where so simple yet clearly effective.

Not everything is appreciated

One gesture was a bit questionable… a young man thought he would compliment people on what they were wearing and got mixed results.  (See George’s Day 3 video above.) As an etiquette trainer my advice is that men be extra careful when complimenting what a woman is wearing as it’s likely perceived to be a come on.  However, he was successful in complimenting some older couples who were dressed up for a special affair – they took it well and thanked him. You’ve got to admire George and he’s making a difference (even in his own behavior – letting go of his earpods).


There is an opportunity join the movement through Face Book and pledge your support. The site goes on to say “Studies show that when you do something nice for someone, it gives you a natural high that can last for weeks, even months.” So to celebrate Canada Day try it yourself – one good deed every day for 7 days.

You good?

I love the fact that they have compiled a list of ‘do good tasks’ and invite visitors to add to it. I posted some of my own and I’d like to share this one —  I often smile and greet little children who are with their parents at the grocery store line up – it validates the kids and the parents appreciate it too.  I encourage you to have a look at the site, I know I will be checking back. You good?

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Posted by Joanne Blake – Corporate image consultant and business etiquette expert

About the author 

Joanne Blake

Canadian speaker, corporate image consultant & business etiquette expert. If you're interested in booking a presentation, keynote or coaching, contact me. Based in Calgary / Edmonton, Alberta in western Canada.

  1. Thanks for that, John. Hopefully they fixed it. I use Firefox 5 myself and didn’t have an issue with their site. Keeping up with technology is a full time job. (Tell me about it.) Please let us know of any issues with our site or newsletter. That will be an act of kindness to me:) Cheers.

  2. It would seem that they’re not “people for good web design” as the site crashes Internet Explorer 9 and Firefox 5.

  3. Saw a great good deed/act of kindness to our feathered friends today. A manly looking man was stopping 2 lanes of traffic on the busy 137 Avenue in Edmonton to herd/guide a mother duck and her five little ducklings safely across the road.

    Everyone was patient when thy realized what he was up to. It saved some lives and made us all feel good. What goes around comes around.

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