Savvy Networking Training - Business Social Skills
In-house or Conference Presentations on
Connecting through Conversation
How are your team at really connecting with your customers? Savvy Networking Training makes networking simple and enjoyable by giving your team the business social skills to connect through conversation.

The #1 business success factor
Harvard identifies the ability to converse and build relationships as the #1 success factor.
People like to work with and do business with, those they know, like and trust. Improved social skills build stronger team and client relationships.
Technology is making people unskilled in business social skills
The New York Times says the #1 fear is no longer public speaking, but walking into a room full of strangers and having to make conversation. Shyness is on the increase so people fear networking or avoid it because they associate it with hard-sell.
Effective networking training without the hard-sell
For stronger teams, the ability to communicate and network effectively can boost your profile, breakdown silos, and engender better business alliances, client relations, referrals and ROI.
Empower your employees to connect
Your team will be able to really connect with customers. This session will benefit personal and professional life by providing simple strategies to quickly build rapport with others, start small talk and take it to BIG talk and nurture those new relationships.
After our savvy networking training, participants will:
• Overcome shyness in themselves and others
• Understand why external/internal networking is so important
• Develop a game plan for welcoming/hosting clients
• Avoid the 5 greatest mistakes that stifle rapport
• Safely and effectively enter and exit conversations
• Nurture relationships using connection management tools
What others said about savvy networking training.
I enjoy networking and thought the content of this presentation would be all common sense and things I already knew about but was I ever wrong! All of the content was new, fresh and invaluable.
Elizabeth Thompy, Associate
Stikeman Elliott LLP
Usually we don’t usually invite trainers back two years in a row, however this time we have because of the overwhelming success of Joanne & Terry’s seminars at last year’s ‘Homesteader University’. We were proud that our staff fully utilized the skills taught by Style for Success during our European business trip. We would recommend their training to any company that recognizes employees are their best assets and wants to invest in team building and personal/professional development.
Trish and Steve Brousson, owners
Homesteader Health
This program can be customized for your team, conference or client appreciation events.
Contact us today so your people can build stronger internal/external relationships.