Website makeover by

Our site was showing its age.

We needed a website makeover.

As corporate image consultants we are hyper aware of branding and professional presence. That’s why we decided to update and overhaul our web site. Our web site not only looked a little dated but our search engine optimization was dropping us on the google rankings. We were also concerned that it didn’t translate well to smaller screens and phones. A company’s and an individual’s online presence needs to match their brand.

When image consultants need a website makeover, who you going to call?

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Are LuluLemons Souring Your Dress for Success

Hidden Dress for Success Codes –

You can’t imagine the number of times I receive emails like this: “My daughter is working on a corporate job promotion. She thinks Lululemon pants are ok for work. I worry she doesn’t understand dress for success and will get passed over because of her wardrobe! Please help her!”

Beware of unwritten dress for success codes

So how important is your dress to your personal brand and success?

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Style for Success - Before and after photo of a personal brand and image update with tips and advice

Does your image need an overhaul?

A few years ago, an engineering client gave us some good image advice. He said you need to update your brand, your website doesn’t represent how good you actually are. (Terry was a bit hurt because he designed our first website but we realized the client was right.) Our site was part of our brand and it didn’t create a great first impression of us. So we hired a professional to update our site.

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