Terry Pithers - Business Etiquette Expert
Terry Pithers
Terry Pithers is a humorous dynamic speaker, business etiquette expert and trainer in soft skills, business dining, business dress for success, networking and communication. He is Canada's foremost trainer in business etiquette and a partner in the corporate image consulting firm of Style for Success.
They work with organizations to improve personal image and soft skills to build stronger brand and more profitable client relationships.

Business soft skills with some fun and laughter
Injecting fun and laughter into his presentations and training, Terry has helped a wide range of audiences gain confidence in their business and personal interactions and a more positive attitude to work and life.
His presentations focus on empowering, life enhancing skills and boast an exceptionally high satisfaction rating among attendees. Terry and Joanne regularly offer public seminars in the Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta area and also in Vancouver, British Columbia through APEGBC.
Savvy not stuffy business etiquette expert
Just because Terry is the “Business Etiquette Expert” doesn’t mean he’s stuffy! Far from it. His presentations are full of warm inclusive humor. As a Canadian speaker he has developed a very popular lunch time keynote Dining for Fun AND Profit, that turns conference meals into an entertaining table manners experience. His Connecting at Conference keynote is a fun way to get people mixing and comfortable with networking during the conference.

Terry is the creator of Dining For Success online video training rated #1 business dining training by The Wall Street Journal, which is being used to teach executive table manners by MBA business schools and corporations across N. America.
Featured in the media
He has been interviewed on TV, radio and in the New York Times. He is the author of an award winning humor web site featured in Yahoo Internet Life Magazine and co-author of the Executive Etiquette Power book. His own diverse career history - is only exceeded by the diversity of his audiences, construction to corporate and everything in between.
Edmonton based Canadian speaker
Born in Ireland, now living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Terry is an ardent kayaker and hiker who loves fly-fishing on the Bow River near Calgary in the beautiful Canadian Rockies.
See what others are saying about Terry's presentations.
Contact us to make the driest conference warm up with engaging soft skills presentations.