A fun way to have a laugh and test your international table manners.

Joanne and I have a lot of fun doing our business dining etiquette presentations. Even though we focus on Canadian and American table manners, people often share all sorts of tips and things that they’ve picked up while dining around the world.

Weird and wonderful customs

There are so many weird and wonderful customs and rules out there that are very specific to certain cultures or locations. (I’m sure they find our table manners very weird too although we try to put a very logical spin on them.)

Thanks to one of our readers John Wettstein of Wettstein Safety Strategies Inc. for sending us this really neat animated international dining etiquette quiz.

Weird and wonderful table-manners and dining etiquetteIt’s bizarre and it’s a lot of fun

It only takes a few minutes and it’s a lot of fun (note – you might want to turn the sound down on your computer as the background ‘music’ can get on your nerves).

The etiquette expert only got 7/11

I’ll be honest with you. I only got 7/11 but when I say I’m the business etiquette expert I’m only talking about Canada and the US. (Guess what score Joanne got.)

How did you do?

Try it out. I’m curious to see how you do and hear about your opinions especially if you are from some of these countries. Let us know if they are really true. I’m especially  curious about question #9 why you shouldn’t flip the fish over on your plate in Poland and #4 in Spain what you should do with your garbage at a snack bar.

Oh, those Romans

You know the saying “when in Rome do as the Romans do.” If you’ve attended one of our business dining seminars you might hear us say – for a UFO (unknown food object) “when Rome hang back a little bit to see what the Romans do”.

Other Articles:

Posted by Terry Pithers – The Canadian Business Etiquette Expert and 7 out of 10 international diner

About the author 

Terry Pithers

Canadian speaker, humorist and business etiquette expert. If you are interested in booking me for a presentation, keynote or workshop, contact me. Based in Calgary / Edmonton, Alberta in western Canada.

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