Business Etiquette Dining Tips and Table Manners Advice Q & A


Q. – The 5 Second Rule – food off the floor and Dropped Silverware?

When you drop something on the floor of a restaurant, are you supposed to pick it up? What if it is dropped food? What is the proper dining etiquette?  I’ve seen some people pick up a fallen fork and some people leave them on the floor. I use the 5 second rule for food at home. If you do it quickly, can you pick it up?

 – Danny Dropsy in Detroit

Canadian dining etiquette expert shares Dropped Cutlery Dining Etiquette Tips – Does The Five Second Rule Apply?A. – Dear Danny

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Business Dining Etiquette Tips and Table Manners Advice Q & A


Q. What is the proper soup spoon etiquette when you’re done? Does it go in the bowl or on the plate?

Dear Terry, I know where to place my knife and fork when I’m finished with my main course but what about my soup course? I’ve seen some people leave the soup spoon in the bowl and some leave it on the plate, which is correct? I want to get it right and follow the proper dining etiquette rules.

-Sam Innastu in Vancouver

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Business Dining Etiquette Tips and Table Manners Advice Q & A

Q. Who is supposed to pay the bill at a restaurant? The host or guest?

Dear Terry, I was invited out for a business lunch the other day. We had a nice meal but when the bill arrived, the person who invited me made no move to pick it up. It sat there so long that I ended up paying it. I thought the person who invites you is supposed to pay the check?

– Sally Stukwitbil

A – Dear Sally

Dining Etiquette - tip advice - Who pays restaurant bill - photo of check

You’re right, the correct dining etiquette is that the person who issues the invitation, as host pays for the meal (or check as it’s known by Americans). Unfortunately, not everyone seems to know this simple table manners rule.

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How Can You Network if the Music is too loud?

Eat, drink and be… stressed

Have you ever sat in a restaurant where the thumping bass has made it so you can’t carry on a conversation? Or you have to shout or worse – carry on your conversation via text?

 Me: Do you mind turning the music down?

Noisy Restaurants

Server: Hunh?

Me: Do you mind turning it down!
Server: Hunh?

Me: Do you mind turning it down!!
Server: Hunh, I can’t hear you.
Me: Exactly

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